
CARB offers $1 million for development of hybrid school bus

scool bus

It’s likely you’ll never forget waiting at the stop (A = Apple) for that yellow school bus to come on down the street. When it pulled up with smoke billowing out of its garbage can-sized exhaust, you probably couldn’t refrain from coughing uncontrollably.

Luckily, times are a changin’. Today’s youth should be picked up by school buses of a greener type and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is doing its part to assist in the clean-up effort. Just days ago, CARB announced a grant solicitation of $1,000,000 for the development and demonstration of advanced hybrid technologies in school buses. Applicants are required to match CARB’s payout.

Since hybrid buses can “idle” without burning fuel, they can reduce pollution and, way more importantly, not harm children who wait outside those glossy yellow tot-haulers.

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