
Video: Assembling the 2011 Chevrolet Volt

Assembly of the 2011 Chevy Volt – Click above to watch video after the jump

Through the miracle of time-lapse videography, General Motors has brought us inside its Detroit-Hamtramck assembly plant to watch as it constructs the 2011 Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid. In what seems like mere seconds, the Volt rolls off the line ready to hit the road.

Though actual assembly of Chevy’s plug-in takes a bit longer than a couple of minutes, the time lapse imagery manages to capture the highlights of the process and piece it all together in an easy-to-watch clip. It’s worth pointing out that the Volt travels down the same line as Cadillac models and undergoes an assembly process that’s nearly identical – aside from its battery pack install – to that of a more conventional vehicle. Hop the jump to watch the Volt progress from a steel shell to a complete vehicle in less than two minutes.

[Source: General Motors]

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