The New Reality: California resident plans to buy both Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf

Why settle for either a Chevrolet Volt or a Nissan Leaf when you could own one of each? Well, some of us don’t have the means to pay for two autos, but Aptos, CA resident Richard Corcoran, a 56-year-old retired eye doctor, says there’s no need for him to make the choice between the all-electric Leaf and the plug-in hybrid Volt. He’ll simply buy both.
Corcoran describes himself as a tech aficionado and has kept a close eye on the development of both of the breakthrough vehicles that he plans on soon owning. In fact, Corcoran has driven the Volt, the Leaf and even a plug-in Toyota Prius and admits that the scare of “running out of oil” convinced him and his wife, Kathy, that both vehicles deserve a spot in their garage. Before plunking down money on either vehicle, Corcoran will upgrade his home’s electrical system, which is already tied into some roof-mounted solar panels. So, while some will continue to argue over which of the two vehicles is a more compelling ride, others get to vote for both sides.
[Source: Mercury News]