Senate unanimously rules in favor of noisy hybrids, electric cars

Regardless of whether or not there’s an actual need for the pedestrian warning systems that continue to pop up on hybrid and electric vehicles, the U.S. Senate has voted (unanimously) to approve a measure that would make the noise-adding setup standard on all vehicles that can operate, even if just momentarily, without the burble that emanates from a gasoline or diesel engine. The bliss of rolling down the road in an electric drive vehicle in near silence is now one step closer to becoming an unachievable goal.
The measure, called the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act of 2010 and backed by Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, aims to establish standards for alerting pedestrians of the possible danger of an approaching vehicle that moves in near silence. With the Senate voting in favor of the bill, it will now head off to the House of Representatives, which is expected to okay its passage as well.
[Source: Green Car Advisor]