History in the making: long-time electric vehicle advocates finally getting their cars *UPDATE

Today, Kramer and the other full-time CalCars worker, Ron Gremban, will pick up their new Chevy Volts at Novato Chevrolet in California. Kramer sent out a message to his list announcing the event, and you can tell there’s a little bit of jealousy in the line, “Andy Frank, who will join us, managed to get his yesterday at his Sacramento-area dealer.” We wish we could hear what the three will say about finally being able to take home a technology they’ve fought so long for – CalCars started in 2002 and both Frank and Gremban have been working on plug-ins for decades – but if we know Kramer, he’ll make sure it gets online soon. Congrats!
UPDATE:As predicted, Felix has posted thoughts and links about it all here.
[Source: CalCars | Image credit: CalCars]