Stephen King thinks the Chevy Volt is scary good

Actually, we may not need to worry, as it appears that King’s wife Tabitha is the person in the family who is now driving a black Chevy Volt. The Herald Tribune, down in Sarasota, FL, (near where King spends the winters) has a feature on author’s new car, including how the author is taking advantage of the city’s free EV charging spots (powered in part by solar energy). King told the paper that, “I just love [charging the car] because every time you do it, it is like saying to the oil cartel, ‘Here, stick this in your eye.’ It is like a license to steal.”
Not that many people in Sarasota can experience this type of “theft.” The H-T writes that only one other person – Chris Sharek – has used the free parking spaces (there are four and they were installed in January), and he arrived just minutes before King’s photo op with the mayor. King was on hand to promote the use of the charging stations and plug-in vehicles. So, Sarasota folks, don’t be afraid. Stephen King says these things are perfectly safe…
[Source: Herald Tribune | Photo: Mario Tama, Getty Images]