
Plug-in vehicles not selling well in the UK

Despite the UK’s £5,000 plug-in vehicle rebate ($7,904 U.S. at today’s exchange rate), 2011 will not be the year “the electric car took off,” according to The Guardian.

Recently released data shows that sales of plug-in vehicles in the UK have stalled, with only 106 electric vehicles sold there during the third quarter of 2011. That’s a significant dip from the 465 plug-in registered in the UK in the first quarter of 2011 and down a bit from the 215 sold in Q2. At the formal launch of the UK’s plug-in rebate, former transport secretary, Phillip Hammond, stated:

Government action to support affordable vehicles and more local charging points means we are on the threshold of an exciting green revolution – 2011 could be remembered as the year the electric car took off.

The number of electric vehicles registered in the UK now stands at 1,107, a tiny slice of the area’s 28.5 million total vehicles. Some blame high sticker prices for slow sales of plug-ins, while others, including transport minister Norman Baker, say lack of choice is holding electric autos back:

It is nonsense to say the market has sputtered out. The availability of qualifying cars, rather than the public appetite for them is part of the problem. I have every confidence that that will change in the next few months and we will begin to see sales of ultra-low carbon cars improve.

The UK’s plug-in rebate scheme is due to be reviewed in January of 2012.

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