Monaco commissions a Lexus LS 600h for “the other royal wedding”

The BMW M3 Royal Edition may have been an April Fool’s Day hoax – the British royal couple will use a variety of coaches to travel between Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey for the ceremony – but the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom isn’t the only prince getting married. So is Prince Albert II of Monaco – ruling monarch of the Mediterranean enclave – and for his wedding he’s gone a different route.
At the July 2nd wedding to Miss Charlene Wittstock, the royal couple will be riding in a specially-prepared Lexus LS600h, complete with integrated flashing lights, the royal insignia and the prized “MC 01” license plate. The hybrid luxury sedan is particularly well suited to the task as it can parade around on pure electric mode. In the process, Lexus has become official supplier to His Serene Highness and his principality. Follow the jump for the press release.
[Source: Lexus]
Confirming his commitment for more environmentally friendly solutions, His Serene Highness has decided to use a Lexus hybrid car at the occasion of his marriage to Miss Charlene Wittstock on Saturday 2nd July 2011.
His Serene Highness takes a keen interest in encouraging innovative solutions for environmental protection and sustainable development around the world, founding the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation in 2006. His Foundation supports more than 150 projects monitoring environmental evolution and protecting species endangered by climate change. It also provides assistance in water management in developing regions.
More recently, His Serene Highness has defined the Principality’s strategic direction in terms of sustainable mobility and asked his government to develop a plan putting a clear focus on mobility means with lower environmental impact. This plan will be deployed over the next decade.
With its pioneering state-of-the-art full hybrid technology delivering class-leading CO2 efficiency and environmental performances, Lexus is pleased to contribute to the objectives defined by His Serene Highness and to help the Principality of Monaco to become an international reference in terms of sustainable mobility.