Juan Pablo Montoya says Chevy Volt is “actually entertaining to drive”

During an exclusive interview with USA Today, former Formula One driver (need we really mention that he’s now in his sixth season in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series?) Juan Pablo Montoya discussed his latest passion, the Chevrolet Volt. Montoya, a stay-at-home dad four days a week who ferries his children to soccer practice and dance recitals, says of the Volt:
You think electric and think, ‘boring.’ This has so many integrated features.
Montoya’s on-track aggression may have earned him a “bad guy” reputation, but by virtue of owning a Volt, perhaps Montoya will shake that negative persona. Here’s a snippet of USA Today‘s Q&A with Juan Pablo:
- Question: Will the Volt replace the Escalade as your new vehicle for carting your kids around town?
- Answer: It’s a four-seater car! It actually has a lot of space. It’s not a Ferrari. It’s a very different concept. It’s an amazing-looking car for what it is. I’m not a small car guy. It’s actually entertaining to drive. I like it. Am I going to be a Greenpeace guy? No, I’m a fuel junkie. But if you can help a little bit, why not? And have fun in the meanwhile.
Click here to read USA Today‘s entire interview with Montoya.
[Source: USA Today via Gas 2.0]