
Hybrid Cars Are Safer In A Crash, Study Shows

Though a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) crash test involving a Chevy Volt has recently raised concerns over the safety of battery-powered vehicles during a collision, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) released data that passengers in green cars actually sustain fewer injuries during wrecks, Consumer Reports reported. The report notes that there is a 25% lower chance of being injured when driving an EV or hybrid involved in an accident than one with a standard ICE drivetrain. The reason? Hybrids, with their bulky battery packs, are 10% heavier than conventional cars and thus more advantaged in a crash, said Matt Moore, vice president for IIHS’s Highway Loss Data Institute, according to Consumer Reports.

In the aftermath of the Chevy Volt fire at the NHTSA test facility earlier this May, the governmental organization has pushed for EV-specific safety measures, including battery drainage following a collision. Many have speculated about the relative safety of EVs, and this new IIHS makes at least some headway toward eradicating a perceived negative bias against green car reliability.

But, it might not be all hunky-dory for EVs. Hybrid-electric drivers have a 20% greater chance of colliding with pedestrians. The whisper quiet hush of a battery-powered car prevents those crossing the street from being aware of a green vehicle’s proximity–accustomed as people are to the rev of an engine.

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