
Finalization of U.S. standard for Level 3 connector to come in 2012

Back in June 2009, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standard J1772 charging connector for plug-in vehicles passed certification testing conducted by the Underwriters Laboratories. This was a necessary step that moved the connection standard towards adoption in the U.S. Even though the SAE earns kudos for getting the U.S.’ automotive industry to agree on a single standard for plug design, the Society has a lot more to accomplish. For example, establishing a Level 3 connector standard.

Last week, at the 2011 SAE World Congress, Charles Gray, Ford’s chief engineer for core electrification engineering said that:

We’re in a race on standards that, bluntly, we may not win because it’s taking a long time to get these through committees I can’t imagine not taking advantage of the opportunity, as this industry is reborn.

As Automotive News enterprise editor Dave Guilford reports, the SAE is developing a U.S. standard for the Level 3 connector, but probably won’t finalize its decision until next year. Question: Is 2012 too late?

[Source: Automotive News – sub. req. | Image: Jonas Dalidd / AOL]

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