
Elon Musk: Tesla Model S makes other premium sedans feel like jalopies

Leave it to Elon Musk to make the boldest of statements to date regarding the Tesla Model S.

Following the recent 2012 Model S Beta first ride, Tesla CEO Musk told the crowd:

The Model S is not the best electric car, it’s the best car of any kind. It’s about the same external dimensions as a 5 Series BMW, yet has twice the cargo capacity. It’s got the biggest sunroof of any car. The fit and finish are superior to any premium sedan.

Musk, who was surrounded by 3,000-plus Model S deposit holders, spoke at length of Tesla’s plug-in sedan. As the crowd thinned, Musk kept the hits coming:

If you drive another premium sedan after driving the Model S, it’s going to feel like a jalopy.

Musk, in true celebrity fashion, autographed license plates, shook hands with reservation holders, waved goodbye and vanished. The CEO was running “seriously late” for a meeting, but stuck around to answer every question asked by people who had reserved a Model S. Once a salesman, always a salesman.

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