A light bulb’s worth of energy to take father & son on cross country tour

The father and his 13 year old son, Nash, along with some help from a team of engineers, set out to build a two-seat human-electric hybrid vehicle. The final product, while not as aerodynamic and sleek as Hoover has originally envisioned, is very practical and contains a 1,400-watt hour battery (aka 1.4 kWh) and a 100-watt motor capable of propelling the small four-wheeler up to 25 miles per hour. The goal is to travel up to 60 miles per day using no more power than a 100 watt light bulb would over a day.
This cross-country journey, dubbed the Eco Tour, is sponsored by GE and Popular Science magazine. You can follow the team’s 4,000-mile journey, which is already underway, at the Popular Science website here. For the first 200 miles, the father and son team averaged around 25 watt-hours per mile, which is below the original 35 watt-hour target, but that was before they got to the Appalachians. We wish them the best of luck as they begin to get to the hilly stuff.
[Source: Environmental Protection and Popular Science | Image: Chuck Coker – C.C. License 2.0]