This Japanese ad for the Toyota Prius Plug In is beyond confusing

We recommend clicking below and just watching the 60-second spot (and the short making-of video) but if you’d rather read here’s what we have figured out: There’s some airline-pilot type guy who is visited by who he calls his sister. The voiceover says she’s some kind of saleswoman, and she begins to talk up the plug-in Prius alongside the J-Pop group AKB48 Team 8, telling the crowd – including a man in a big, round bird mask – how easy it is to plug in. The old man watching the J-Pop girls tells the woman next to him, “I have their CD.” Then we see the original duo back home and the guy says he’s hungry before plugging in a blue energy wire. The same wire that then starts charging a Prius. That may not really clarify anything, but there you have it.
Watch for yourself below. At the very least, we won’t confuse this ad for one from another automaker.