Fisker’s DOE loan is new right-wing political target of ‘wasteful spending’

Released Thursday, the ad conflates these facts, as you can see down below. The DOE responded charitably, saying critics “are misunderstanding the loan,” instead of accusing them of playing politics. The ad, which looks at various cases of what it calls wasteful spending, was released by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a conservative group that gets some funding from the Koch brothers.
According to Delaware Online, two Republican U.S. Senators – Chuck Grassley (IA) and John Thune (SD) – are picking up the attack baton, writing a letter to DOE Secretary Stephen Chu Friday asking him to defend the Fisker loan. They write, “Though the Department of Energy has now frozen the remaining portion of Fisker’s loan, questions remain as to why a loan was extended to this now ‘troubled’ auto company in the first place.” The DOE is looking into things on its own, announcing recently it would assign a loan consultant to the Fisker situation.