Watch this LSR Honda Insight crash at 190 mph in the desert

Like any form of motorsports, attempts at breaking land speed records are inherently dangerous. To wit: During a recent speed competition at El Mirage dry lake beds in southern California, racer Brian Gillespie and his first-gen Honda Insight crashed at nearly 190 miles per hour, and it was all caught on video.
According to the Southern California Timing Association website, which hosts the event, the weather was good and there was no wind on November 10, so it isn’t clear what may have caused the crash. Despite the car being destroyed (including the entire front end being sheared off), Gillespie suffered only “minor injuries” and is recovering. The SCTA site does state that Gillespie managed to crack the 200-mile-per-hour mark in a previous run with a top speed of 200.9 mph, so congratulations to him on that! Scroll down to watch the horrifying crash.