
Watch the BMW i8 get wrung out on the Ring

Been wondering where the heck the reviews of the all-new, plug-in-hybrid BMW i8 have been? After all, the car isn’t exactly new, having debuted in concept form way back in September of 2009. In August of last year, we even tested a prototype of the new supercar. Despite that, though, we still haven’t gotten a crack at the actual vehicle that will be sold to the public.

Well, we’re happy to tell you that we’re currently testing the i8 and will have a proper review for you soon. If, however, you’re just aching for some coverage of the low-slung plug-in, we have a short video of it in action around Germany’s famed Nürburgring.

Despite its three-cylinder, turbocharged gas engine, the i8 sounds pretty angry as it laps the Ring. That is, until it has a little bit of a breakdown. According to the guys that caught the car on video, it appeared the i8 had a minor brake issue, and was parked on the side of the track for a good 15 minutes, with the driver pumping the brakes. We should probably just take this as proof, then, that manufacturers are actually using the Ring for testing, and not just messing about.

Take a look below for the video, and stay tuned for our full review of the 2015 BMW i8.

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