Toyota Prius Super Bowl commercial is so metal, bro

Calling it a “mutha-truckin ride” and “badass” – two phrases we’ve never associated with the Prius – the Super Bowl spot “Heck On Wheels” goes metal on Toyota’s high-efficiency metal. It features a dude named Todd driving through a world that’s all about hard rock, whether it be a granny flashing the sign of the horns or office workers shredding on a fire-works-spewing Gibson Flying V. There’s even a keytar!
Alongside the commercial, Toyota will run a campaign during the big game using the hashtag #GoPriusGo. Tweets that take advantage of the hashtag could be featured during the commercial’s Super Bowl broadcast. The 100-second spot was put together by Toyota’s agency of record, Saatchi & Saatchi LA. Check it out up top.
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