Here’s how the EcoCAR 3 teams are going to green up their Camaros

Out of the 16, all but one will go with a plug-in hybrid powertrain which switches over from electric power to an engine powered by E85 (i.e., an 85-percent ethanol blend) when the juice runs out. Those schools include the University of Alabama, Arizona State, Mississippi State, Ohio State and Penn State. The lone dissenter is the team from the University of Tennessee, which is going with a hybrid vehicle powered by E10.
This past spring, Ohio State was named winner of Year One of EcoCAR3, winning $10,000 in the process. THE Ohio State University (as students and alumni like to call it) also won the overall competition for EcoCAR 2 last year. The vehicle used in that project was a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu, and OSU also used a plug-in hybrid/E85 combo to take the big prize. Take a look at the list of schools and their powertrains of choice for EcoCAR 3 here.
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