Chinese think tanks calls on automakers to shift focus from output capacity to energy-saving designs

The Chinese automotive industry has expanded at breakneck speeds. The influx of vehicles, as one would expect, has caused tremendous problems for the nation like pollutionin many major cities and road congestion. Now, one of China’s top government think tanks, the Development Research Center of the State Council, is calling upon the auto industry to shift from its relentless pursuit of output capacity to a new focus: environmentally friendly, energy-efficient designs.
The think tank is urging the nation’s top government officials to guide automakers towards producing vehicles that quell the problems associated with the country’s industrial boom. The think tank argues that the country’s expansion is unsustainable and has triggered nationwide concern over the country’s total energy capacity, increasing pollution levels and record-setting traffic jams. The solutions aren’t limited to shifting away from a no-holds-barred approach to increasing automotive output capacity and to producing energy-efficient vehicles, but for a nation struggling to deal with the side effects from epic expansion, anything is certainly worth a try.